The Ghana Mompreneurs Club brings together women from all walks of life doing similar businesses, however these ladies try to get a unique feature to distinguish themselves from each other.
Wondering what some of our Mompreneurs have been up to these past months. Take a look at some of the products our ladies are pushing into the market. They all come with an improvement and a touch of professionalism.
OJeanne Clothing outdoored some lovely backpacks perfect for kids and even moms who like to rock backpacks. They are also into men, ladies and kids wear and accessories. Contact Mompreneur Jeanne on 0244503147
Backpack from Ojeanne Clothing |
Bashaasa Bissap has inched a notch higher with their packaging. Their latest is the Bashaasa Bissap 5 litres which is the new bottle in town. It is very easy to carry along and very affordable. Contact Mompreneur Mubarak Salih for all your orders on 0266001720.
Bashaasa Bisaap 5litres |
Partiesgh is stocking some beautiful products and they are open to pre-orders. Make your events this weekend colourful with these lovely straws from their collection. It is suitable for all your party funtions . Also stocking soon, very beautiful paper bags. Pre-orders are welcome. Call Anna Quarshie on 0243966243 now!!!
Paper bags from Partiesgh |
Colorful straws from Partiesgh |
Mompreneur Selasi Dzikunu of Jayset Consulting also starts an online retail beauty, cosmetic and Personal care shop. The Delse Shop stocks products from Longrich and MGL Naturals. Take a lot at some of the unique products they have to offer their customers. Call to order on 0207941557 to order.
Black soap from The Delse Shop |
Shea butter oil from The Delse Shop |
The Ghana Mompreneurs Club was launched in February this year and has created a platform to motivate mothers who are entrepreneurs to be the best they can. To join call 0500233401.
Source: Ghana Mompreneurs Club