I am Jennifer Esenam Asare, a wife, mother and social entrepreneur. I am the founder and director of Novan Consult, a social enterprise that engages young people and women through social advocacy, empowerment and networking programs. I am particularly concerned about human resource development but not in the conventional sense (as in recruiting and training people for organizations). I believe everyone made in the image of God is not dump or incapable. You just need to identify that thing that makes them unique. Help them develop that unique quality and they are able to exhibit their intelligence and be their best. Therefore I seek to harness this in every way possible for people to live an empowered meaningful life.
I have worked in diverse organisations for a total of seven years mostly as an administrator or in the administration department. I have also served as secretary and organizing secretary in some non-denominational youth groups and churches.
I hold a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, a first Degree in Philosophy and a Certificate in Youth Development Work all from the University of Ghana. I also hold a Certificate in Project Management from IDPM.
Novan Consult which is barely a year old, currently operates actively the Inspired Woman Conference and the Next Level Mentoring and Grooming Clinic for Women and Youth respectively. We have had two sessions of engagement for each wing and the response and patronage is encouraging. Participants in our programs have given feedback indicating their satisfaction.
An upcoming I’m Empowered session of the Inspired Woman Conference is looking forward to inspire and empower especially women to rise up to the task of being informed on legal matters that affects them one way or the other. Ignorance of the law, they say is no excuse. So we are bringing in experienced lawyers to talk, discuss and answer questions on legal matters bothering on MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE and WILL.
I believe that, it is not for the fun of it that the church ensures that, marriages conducted by the church is certified under the laws of the state. Even though marriage is a God idea and instituted by him according to the bible, the church cannot conduct marriage as a spiritual entity.
Just as Jesus paid taxes to the state, and his parents having to travel to participate in a census resulting in his birth in Bethlehem, there are laws in every society that governs its people. Hence, there are laws in Ghana governing our actions and inactions including Marriage, Remarriage, Divorce and Will among others.
Novan Consult seeks to equip people with the right information to help them make intelligent decisions on issues that affect their lives.
We shall therefore explore questions such as:
What are the legal implications of marriage?
What must one do /know when marrying someone with kids?
What is disclosure in marriage?
Are there legal rights /responsibilities?
At what point can one seek for divorce?
What is a WILL?
At what point should one make a WILL? And many more.
To support the program kindly contact Novan Consult on +233262773300 / +233509044091.
Follow them on Facebook at novanconsultgh and on instagram on @novanconsultgh.
Email them on : novanconsultgh@gmail.com