Featured Moms

6 things we love about Hamamat Montia as a Mom in Business

Remaining relevant and consistent as an entrepreneur especially when you have kids can be one daunting task. You need a lot of commitment, focus, creativity and passion to keep you going. Most importantly you need to have a vision to direct you on this journey of entrepreneurship.

We have been following a couple of mothers in business since we started our blog and one of them who we totally love is Hamamat Montia. She is a former Miss Malaika winner and is the  founder of Hamamat African Beauty and the Shea Butter Village.

Once you land on her page on social media and her  business website, you can feel the passion and creativity on her page and this is very admirable.

Here are six things we love about Hamamat  Montia , we thought to share with you and we hope it is helpful and encourages you if you are on the Mompreneur journey

1. Believe in your brand- When you believe in your brand you dedicate a lot of time to it to ensure it grows. You work hard towards it because you have a goal you are aiming to acheive and you know you can build the brand to the level you want to see it.

2. Passion- When you have a passion for your business, you invest in it and find ways to ensure it survives. Being passionate about your business means having a compelling emotion or feeling towards your business. You want to see it blooming at all cost.

3. Creativity and Innovation- There are so many skin care brands on the market however she has been able to carve a niche for herself with her brand. For me it’s a feeling of prestige to be associated with her skincare brand. And I love the way she addresses her audience as Kings and Queens.

4. Product knowledge- Hamamat understands her products very well; their benefits as well as the process used to prepare them. She also lets her audience have a feel of how the product comes into being. This alone brings the user closer to the brand and helps them to appreciate the product in terms of quality and pricing

5. Mixing Business with Fun- She makes her work seem so easy and fun. She owns the surroundings and takes it calm when it comes to the camera.

6. Family person- I can’t say much here but she seems to me as someone who makes time for two lovely daughters and has a lot of bonding time with them.

It’s always a pleasure watching her videos or reading her posts. They feel so personalized and helps me appreciate our culture. Our Ghanaian culture , our African heritage and I am proud to see how she flaunts it to the world
Go Hamamat, Go Ghana, Go Africa!

Photo credit: @iamhamamat page in Instagram


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