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Feature: Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation

Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation is a registered charity organization in Ghana that aims to provide and support less privileged in the communities with their basic needs such as food, water, health care and education.

In March 2017, Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation team embarked on a project in Ekmufi Abukwa in Central region of Ghana to help and support 11 less privileged persons. These 11 less privileged are sick and disabled persons, widows and widowers and orphans.

The needs of these privileged persons include health care assistance for the disabled and the sick persons, capital for the windows and widowers to start a small business, support in education for the drop out orphans.

These less privileged persons are hoping on Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation for help and support to make provisions for those needs. On the 15 of April 2017, Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation team made a donation of food items and toiletries as the first step to support these less privileged persons.

The team could not meet the specific needs of these less privileged due to limited financial resources. Therefore, Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation is appealing to the individuals for support to help them meet the needs of these11 less privileged persons. Donations in cash and in kind are welcome.

The bank details of Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation are as follows:

GT Bank Accra, Ghana

Account Name: Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation

Account Number: 2191 0374 3140.

MTN Mobile Money: 0023354 203 1160

For more information on Jackie&Dentaah Love Foundation and on other projects please visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JDLFGh/?pnref=lhc , on Twitter @JDLFGH and on our website http://www.jadlfoundation.org/pages/index.php?siteid=jadl

Thank you for your support!

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