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GMC holds 2nd Brunch meeting

Its been 4months since the Ghana Mompreneurs Club was founded and I must say through this club a lot of partnerships have been formed, new friends have been made, members have a wider reach to market to and most importantly individuals have been inspired to start up or nurture their ideas into fruition.
We had our second brunch meeting last Wednesday and I must say it was an eventful one. Members had the opportunity to attach faces to names they had bonded with over the past four months though some had met themselves in person. Members also had the opportunity to exhibit their items up for sale and also share with members some of their items

Our MC for the day was our very own Selasi Dzikunu, Jayset Consulting. She did an amazing job right from the introduction of every member through to the interview and elections of supporting executives for the club.

Selasi ( Our MC for the day)

The Brunch meeting started with the introduction of members of the club. Each member introduced themselves and spoke briefly about the products or services they provide.

Jane co-founder MaryJane a fashion house
Stephanie of V Spa
Naa Odey owner of Merleys


After the introduction, the Founder of the Club, Ethel Marfo, welcomed all the new members and took everyone through the vision, mission and objectives of the club. She also laid out the rules and regulations governing the whatsapp group of the Club. This group brings on board all members and gives them the opportunity to share and market their products and services, aside this days are set aside for presentations for each member to share with others their journey as Mompreneurs, their success stories and challenges.

Our guest speaker was introduced right afterwards. Our Guest speaker for the day was Akorfa Edjeani, a seasoned actress and also the owner of Fali’s hot pot. She encouraged members to cultivate the habit of saving, no matter how much small the amount to put aside maybe.

She also touched on the need to offer our first fruits to God as that is also a way of bringing blessings on our business. She encouraged the Mompreneurs to develop the habit of living within their means as it is also a great way of increasing savings.

After the Guest Speaker ended, the Club presented to her a hamper with items from some of the sponsors of the program and other Mompreneurs.

We took pictures with her and had the opportunity to engage her afterwards. The meeting went on break as we went to visit the exhibition room to feast our eyes on the products and services from the lovely Mompreneurs and make purchases.



We went back after some few hours to continue with the program. Some positions had come up in the club that needed to be occupied so elections were held to elect  a Financial Secretary and Organising Secretary.

We ended by having some lucky dips where everyone won some of the products provided by the  Members of the club.

The Ghana Mompreneurs Club currently has over 100 members, and plans to expand its territory as it continues to empower Mothers to make it in their careers and businesses.

Source : Ghana Mompreneurs Club

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