
5 business ideas for today’s mompreneur

Balancing motherhood with managing a business can be quite a daunting task especially in the early stages. However, this equips you with some skills and experience that could help you build a solid business. What are some of the ways by which you can earn an income from the comfort of your home so you could also have time for your kids? Here are a few ideas:

  • Baking

There’s nothing as comforting as some home-made pastries baked with love. This gives you the opportunity to work from home and get creative with those lovely recipes. Plus, you can determine the pace at which you want to expand the business, whether you want it to be close-knit or eventually a full-blown business. There’s always an occasion to bake, be it for a family together, an event, or just a holiday. Who knows, your baked goodies could be the next hot thing on the shelves.


  • Content creation/writing

We are certainly in the digital age and content writers and creators are in high demand. The good news is with a good phone camera or just a laptop (or pen and paper), you can create great content either for a selected brand you have signed up with, or for your own blog or channel. You just need to identify a topic you are good at, such as helpful tips for moms, quick recipes etc. Once you are passionate about it, you’re halfway there. Consistency is key and you could eventually gain enough visibility to expand your content creation portfolio.


  • Event Planning/Consulting

Our supermoms have a knack for organizing, and this could certainly be channelled into a great business idea. You could start by helping friends organize their events or offer event consulting services for a fee. This is quite flexible because you could choose which events to take up and you can do most of the organization from home till the actual day of the event arrives. This gives you the time for family as well and gives you the chance to build a business that could grow bigger over time especially through word of mouth.


  • Interior Decoration

If you have that touch of colour, this may just be the idea for you. You can help create the right ambience for homes through your Midas touch. This gives you the opportunity to channel your creativity into a money-making venture, especially as real estate is rapidly developing in Ghana. You could start this through your network or contacts and eventually build your way up to a broader customer base.


  • Online Research

In this technology age ridden with information, research takes a great deal of time, and time is a commodity many professionals do not have. As a result, researchers are now in high demand especially for start-ups and businesses that want to stay up to date with the latest business trends.  With good internet and a laptop, you could explore this option and earn some extra income by researching relevant information online and getting paid for it.


These business ideas won’t only give you a sense of fulfilment, but also give you the room you need to spend quality time with your family and squeeze in a little ‘me’ time as well. Don’t forget to keep track of your finances in order to identify how much you are making and to know which resources to allocate to each aspect of your business.


Have you thought of any other ideas? We’d love to hear from you!


Written by: Nana Boatemaa






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