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How to create a family tradition on a special occasion

Family traditions are activities done to add more fun and excitement to the family. It is planned to add more value and essence, which makes the family bond and have more love for each other. it is very important to create a family tradition on special occasions.

Creating family traditions gives kids and adults a sense of belonging in the family and allows them to connect with their cultural and religious roots in a special way.

There are so many ways to create a family tradition which includes hugs, activities, games, and many other fun activities. These activities should not be difficult to adjust to or stressful when practicing, rather, they should be enjoyable and can be adapted to by individuals in the family.

It could be done occasionally like monthly, weekly, yearly, daily, or even on a special occasion for family gatherings.

Here are some family traditions that you can plan on special occasions:

1. Having mid-week prayer sessions

family tradition

It is important that, as a family, you pray for protection and guidance throughout the week. Coming together to pray as a family gives you a sense of security between you and your creator. It also provides you with the assurance that, in everything or any situation, you have a family that can help you with prayers. Study the word of God to build up your spiritual being and strengthen your faith.

2. Always eat together as a family

family tradition

Eating together as a family strengthens the bond in a family, especially with the kids. A family that eats together, grows together, and also creates room for learning table etiquette for the kids.

3. Hold family meetings

family tradition

Once every month, you can hold a family meeting to talk about the activities that took place in the previous month and also plan the activities you want to happen in the month. Here, individuals will get the chance to express how they feel and what they went through and seek help. It also makes it easier to discuss how one’s mental health is affected. Holding family meetings resolves many issues and promotes family growth.

4. Going for bowling

family tradition

It is important to have fun as a family, and going bowling should be one of the things you consider a part of the family tradition. Go out and have fun, make sure you spend quality time with your family.

5. Clean-up exercise

family tradition

It is good to clean the house regularly, it helps keep a healthy home and clean environment. Having “cleaning up exercise” as part of family traditions helps raise responsible kids. Cleaning the house, especially their rooms, kitchen, washrooms sitting rooms, etc. makes the kids learn about the importance of being clean at all times. They grow with this mentality and it becomes a tradition in their homes when they become adults. They also pass it on to their offspring.

6. Telling a story every night

family tradition

Storytelling in a way creates a wider imagination for people both young and old alike. Storytelling also helps one to be creative in words and actions. Have the family gather every night and tell stories, funny, sad, scary, history, etc. It builds one’s confidence and ability to be outspoken in every area.

7. Give alms often

family tradition

Teach your kids about giving all and helping the poor. This is one of the most important traditions that should be held in the family. Once in a while, visit the less privileged and extend a helping hand. Teaching your kids to be helpful to others and never withhold what they have if someone ( the poor, needy, old, young, etc.) needs is a good thing to know. They grow up to be cheerful givers and help society to grow in love and harmony.

8. Go to church services and gatherings together

family tradition

Create a tradition of going to services together as a family. Going to services together strengthens the family bond and builds strong love between you. Service teaches about the importance of family and a family that goes to services together learns a lot about family.

9. Show affection to each other

Hugs, special handshakes, and kisses should be part of family activities. It shows love among each other and makes one feel loved and appreciated. It gives an assurance of security and a sense of belonging. This also creates strong family ties.

10. Having outdoor activities

Don’t stay indoors all the time, make sure you go out to play with the family. Playing outdoor games refreshes the body and provides fresh air. It also becomes a tradition for your kids and makes them happy. Having outdoor games as part of family traditions creates a particular bond between the kids and the parents.

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